Another way to conceal the truth is the way the information is presented. During the War for Southern Independence the states have been described as free states, slave states and border states. What is not normally discussed in polite company is that the border states had slave populations. And these Border states, which were slave states, too, were part of the union forces. Not describing up front that these border states were slave states is being intellectually dishonest. But that is how the smoke and mirrors is done – drinking the Kool-Aid. Why try to hide the fact that some of the Union states were slave states? Knowing this up front makes the emancipation proclamation look downright silly. Let me demonstrate. Lets use honest and balanced facts.
I did a Google search of “Were the border states part of the union or the confederacy?” Here was the response, which is what I expected: “The border states during the American Civil War were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia. They were called border states because they bordered free states of the Union to their north and slave states of the Confederacy to their south. The Union included 23 free states and 5 border states.”
Now for the balanced response: “…..They were called border states because they bordered free states of the Union to their north and slave states of the Confederacy to their south. The Union had 28 states, which included 23 free states and 5 slave states, with the slave states bordering between the free and slave states.”
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed those slaves from the states that were in rebellion (his words not mine) and was made about two years after the start of the war. Now knowing that the Union forces had 5 slave states, and being top of mind to the reader, begs the question immediately, why didn’t Lincoln free the slave states in the Union controlled forces? You mean Lincoln didn’t free the slaves in the Union where he had immediate control? What!
There were nearly 500,000 slaves in the union-controlled areas. (About 500,00 slaves in the Union Slave States, 1860, downloaded, 12/31/23) He had control over those forces. He didn’t have control over the Southern forces. And, why did he take a couple of years to free any slaves to begin with? This knowledge really makes the “freeing the slave thing” a pretty messy explanation.
And, to be still more honest it should be pointed out that Indiana was identified as a Free State, but it was also a no Negro state. That is, no Negroes or mulattos were allowed in the state. Calling it a free state seems to be just plain wrong when Negroes aren’t even allowed in it. (Refer to Indiana’s 1851 State Constitution, Article 13. Refer to below) Note that any money collected as fines for noncompliance was to be used to remove Negros from the Continent – Colonization. Lincoln was very much in favor for removing negroes from the States through the colonization initiative, but that’s another blog. He didn’t like the idea of the inferior race mixing with the white race. (Reference: Stephen Douglas Debates) His thoughts, not mine. (While we are in the process of tearing down statues I wonder why we aren’t tearing down his godly-like and monstrosity of a statue in Washington D.C.?)
IHB: Article 13 – Negroes and Mulattoes (
Article 13 – Negroes and Mulattoes
Section 1. No negro or mulatto shall come into or settle in the State, after the adoption of this Constitution.
Section 2. All contracts made with any Negro or Mulatto coming into the State, contrary to the provisions of the foregoing section, shall be void; and any person who shall employ such Negro or Mulatto, or otherwise encourage him to remain in the State, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars.
Section 3. All fines which may be collected for a violation of the provisions of this article, or of any law which ay hereafter be passed for the purpose of carrying the same into execution, shall be set apart and appropriated for the colonization of such Negroes and Mulattoes, and their descendants, as may be in the State at the adoption of this Constitution, and may be willing to emigrate.
Section 4. The General Assembly shall pass laws to carry out the provisions of this article.