Concealed History

You ignore it, you conceal it.....


Enter this educational website to learn that paper money or fiat currency was discussed at the 1787 Constitutional Convention and was eliminated as a power of the Federal Government.    So, why do we have it today?    The Constitution provided for Sound Money or Honest Money – gold and silver. If we had Honest Money it’s doubtful we would have the excessive level of inflation like we do today.   Read “The Complaint” to find out more.  Watch the “Ron Paul Video.”   Did you know that we say Indiana was a “Free State” during the Civil War?   No slaves allowed.  It was actually a no Negro state as stated in its 1851 State Constitution, so it was a Free State by default, not by any noble or higher moral purpose.    That’s just 9 years before the war.  Maybe that war wasn’t so much about freeing the slaves.  These and many other points are made while using the “I’m an American” piece as a Study Guide.   Go to the “Prove It” tab to get the details.   “I’m an American” provides a good foundation or guide of American principles which were closer to that at the time of the Country’s founding.  If you weren’t aware of the above two examples, its because it has been hidden or ignored by our government-run educational system.  A main purpose of the website is to reveal this and many more examples with vital information using actual documentation.  Form your own conclusions.  But, it’s good to have the truthful information.


Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito.

Ludvig von Mises


[Most Recent Quotes from]

Revision 12/20/21

The above quote from Ludvig von Mises translates to “Do not give into evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it.”

I'm an American

A document written to provide guidance of key core values to being an American.  Generally, the concepts not presented in government-run schools.

Click on "Prove it"

Key paragraphs in the piece “I’m an American” are backed up with actual documentation to show the true intent.    You must click on the high- level menu item “Prove It” to access the I’m An American Study guide.

The Complaint

Read this short complaint to understand what the Founders’ views were on paper money (money not backed by gold or silver) and that we were never intended to have it in America. 

Ron Paul Video

A 45 minute video with Dr. Ron Paul on the subject of Honest Money, the Constitution and current  affairs.  Video was recorded in 1995 but still very current today.

Thomas Jefferson Statue

Luther-Warder Park, Jeffersonville, Indiana

Photograph by Paul N. Luther

The trifling economy of paper, as a cheaper medium, or its convenience for transmission, weighs nothing in opposition to the advantages of the precious metals… it is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be, abused, in every country in which it is permitted.       Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) to John W. Eppes, 1813.

Are we about to lose our republic?

Why does it matter?

Did you know the Founders considered giving the Federal Government the power to print paper money, that is money not backed by precious metals, but eliminated this as a power during the Constitutional Convention of 1787?    You might ask, “then why do I have paper money in my wallet?”  And, “why should I care?”

Governments can’t print gold or silver and thereby have a natural check on their ability to grow.  A Government that can print paper money has no limit to its growth in the short-term.  The downside to this, and the Founders knew this as they just witnessed the inflation of the Continental Currency, is that in the long-term social chaos occurs and a destruction of property has ALWAYS happened. Ever hear the saying, “not worth a Continental.”   Our county is not immune to this economic fact.

I believe we are soon losing the core values that makes us Americans.  We are about to lose our freedom and Liberty. We know our government lies.  Those in power break the law, and somehow get a pass. Apathy abounds in the people.  Power is becoming more centralized in Washington with increased regulations, corporate welfare, and taxes that continue to grow and get more complicated .   The national debt is a disgrace and will soon lead to a level of inflation which was once reserved for third-world countries.

Thus, I’ve written a short piece which I call, “I’m An American”.   In this document I try and present what I believe to be the key American core values coupled with actual historical documentation.  I hope you find this information useful, and please feel free to share with others.  Hopefully, this document will help fill the void that our school system fails to provide.  Please realize that we don’t need a new Constitution, we just need to follow the one we have.  We don’t need a bunch of hypocritical representatives that just give lip service to it. This is what our Congress consists of today.  We have strayed too far.

For starters, I suggest you read “I’m An American”.  From there, I will take sections of the document and proceed to explain and provide supporting documentation.
