Concealed History

Paragraphs 25 & 26

25)  And People need to continually remember that it is they who give their local, county, Tribal, State and general government these powers, and that the final barrier from tyranny is the power of the jury,

26) Where the jury shall judge not only the facts in question but the appropriateness of the law,

What happens where our federal government gets totally out of control?  We are taught at an early age that there are three powers to the Federal Government.  The Congress, the Executive (President) and the Judiciary.   From where I sit, all three of the organizations are paid from the same source and in a way operate in a true conflict of interest mode.  I suggest that we look at the three powers of government from a different perspective, namely the Federal, the State, and the Individual (You).  In fact, the 10th Amendment helps spell out that power where if it’s not enumerated as a power to the Federal or General Government then it’s left to the States or the people (You).    So the answer to the first question stated above that when an individual sits on a jury and is presented with the laws of a tyrant that a juror has the ultimate authority to judge both the facts in question as well as the law.   You will not been taught this in our government-run schools or if you sit on a jury the judge will more than likely tell you to judge the facts NOT the law.   The judge is either ignorant of our First Federal Chief Justice John Jay’s view on the subject or more likely has a bad case of egoitis (a person who thinks they are better and superior to their fellow man, has an overblown ego).

The image at the right helps describe the true powers.  Note that “You” are living, and the other levels of government are abstract man-invented terms  and organizations.  The governments (Federal and State) get their power from YOU and needs to be reminded of that.

Below is an excerpt from the 1794 Supreme Court case Georgia vs. Brailsford.  It shows where Chief Justice Jay provides the instructions to the Jury.   A copy of that case is provided in the pdf download.  To download the entire case click on the below image.   Remember, too,  that Chief Justice John Jay was one of the authors of The Federalist so he knew a little about first intent.



If you would like more information about your rights on a jury I recommend you visit the Fully Informed Jury Association, FIJA website.  Click on the button to the right to go to the website.